While focusing on Areliann's stream assets, I assumed the responsibility of overseeing the animation segment that forms the visual foundation of this endeavor. Areliann, a passionate and committed multigaming streamer, injects his fervor into all facets of his content.
Drawing from a 3D-designed universe, the Artistic Direction is built upon a foundation of visuals featuring clusters of cubes. These cubes are enriched with graphical components, including logos, typography, and animated elements. The concept's brilliance lies in its capacity for countless adaptations. Each cube can be tailored to fit a theme, game, event, or upcoming project, allowing streamers full creative liberty.

Stinger transition ↓
In projects of this nature, it's crucial to commence with a substantial research and development phase, covering both creative and technical dimensions. Prior to unveiling the first visuals, significant time is invested in research, exploring numerous paths, some of which might not make the final cut. This process aids in gauging what suits the project effectively and what doesn't.

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Design, 3D, Art Direction
Hugo Escande
Motion, Animation, Sound
Mathis Fournier
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